Suburban Myth, The City is the Future
The cities are the future. I'm lucky to live in Manhattan, I don't own a car and can arrive faster than any taxi to my destination anyplace on the island on my bike. My apartment cost less to maintain, to heat and cool than a house. I am among throngs of humans every time I step onto the streets. Central Park is available as my back yard, free to wander in with my dogs.
The rural life style is wonderful for those inclined but the scourge of cheaply built houses in poorly maintained suburban developments scar our landscapes. The growing multitudes of vacant houses should be destroyed and the land allowed to return to nature.
The jobs are in the cities because the cities are the most efficient places for them. Efficiency creates prosperity. Human contact and community creates empathy and well being. As the Taoist say, go with the flow and the flow is towards the continued growth of the cities.