An Email Conversation with My Uncle Phil

----- Original Message -----
From: David
Thursday, April 15, 2004 10:28 AM
(Comments referenced to an email I received click here to see)

I can imagine him doing all that (mmmm that’s some fantasy image; round and soft, Monica’s tush in a thong).

We spent millions on Ken Starr and his crew to prove that Clinton had a sex drive(IMHO Kenny is another asexual or nonsexual religious fanatic, supressing all that is sexual until it bubbles up).  I wish we’d spend as much time and money on the Committee on 9/11 and have the same access to our President (alone) as Ken did to Clinton.  For Clinton it was about lying about fooling around sexually now, with Bush, it’s about lying about going into war, killing thousands of humans and destroying billions of dollars with no end in sight.  Poor President Bush looks like he hasn’t gotten laid in years.  He’s very good at avoiding both news conferences and answering the question asked during them when one does occur but not very good at convincing me that he actually has any say in policy.  We both know that it’s Rummy, Cheny and Wolfy calling the shots.  Telling me that “we’ll stay the coarse” over and over again won’t make what is obviously a very dangerous situation become a birth bed for an obscure image of democracy.
Make love not war.

xoxo david

-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 11:43 PM
To: david
Re: For what it's worth

         WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uncle Phil

----- Original Message -----
From: (I don't remember)
To: david
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 11:26 PM
Subject: FW: For what it's worth



David said…
Hey Dan, Thanks for your comment.

I think I'll be debating with emotion and facts as well as impressions and perspectives. No hard rule, this is my blog, after all.

Money is most certainly not the most important thing but the use of our tax money by those that are in control of it, you might agree, is a very serious thing.

If you feel that it was Clinton's actions only that brought us to the point where the elected government was brought to its knees and you’ll place no blame on the people who created the onslaught to attempt to bring him down, then there is no more need for discussion between us. But if you're open to look further then the obvious and dig a bit deeper into human nature, you will have the perspective to step back and see the bigger picture and we can talk.

Morality is such a subjective thing that it's hard to define in a few words. It is not moral to have sex with a woman other then your wife. Is adultery more immoral then sending a man to his death for oil? Freedom is another word that has been used so much it has lost all real meaning.

Think carefully about what freedom is and wonder if it is something that we believe we can bring to someone by force. Shouldn’t the fight for freedom come from those that crave it? Do the people of Saudi Arabia live with freedom? Why not bring it to them, too? Is the Saudi Royal family a moral regime? Is the Afghani war lords’ fight for control of their home land immoral? Put yourself in their place. Was it moral for the elder Bush to allow Saddam to keep his armed helicopters and arms to slaughter the Iraqi revolutionaries who we lead to believe we would protect? Was it moral to produce and sell weapons and training to Bin Laden and the Afghani revolutionaries in their fight against the soviets? Was it moral to turn our backs on the Afghani people after their victory, allowing the Taliban to fill the void left by the retreating soviets?

I believe if Clinton was as immoral as he has been depicted by his enemies then people would not love him the way they do and that they do love him is undeniable. I once ran into him on a street in New York after he left the White House. People gathered quickly around him, reaching to him and smiling, practically hysterical and excited to be near him. This is that elusive thing called charisma which is basically animal attraction on a very direct line to our human nature. This attraction is not a thing that is easily faked, controlled or manipulated by the person people are attracted to. This is one of the things that always pissed the Republicans off the most about the Clintons because there is no fighting that appeal. Someone who tries hard to be something specific and in control of everything they say and do, invariably snuffs out the huge part of themselves that comes naturally and people react to that lack of humanism negatively. People may rationalize themselves into believing there is an attraction to this person but ultimately human nature wins and they are repulsed.

A moral person puts themselves in other people's place, they empathize, in order to not do the wrong thing and do the right thing. After all, isn’t morality simply the knowing of right from wrong? A moral person is in harmony with their uncontrollable human nature and they allow room for their intuition to become a vital part of their decision making and living experiences.

What this administration has done to our nation has a lot to do with morality. Saying I’m moral doesn’t make it so. The actions of a moral or immoral person are the final test. Somehow I can’t equate taking us to war under false or erroneous pretenses to getting a little nooky in the White House. They are both mistakes but the consequences are incomparable. That Clinton lied about having sex with that woman just doesn’t seem as immoral as bringing about the deaths of thousands of human beings.

Please, sit alone for a moment and put yourself in the place of the many Iraqis who aren’t terrorists and want freedom but have been living with the occupation, violence, death, uncertainty and horror of a war that we brought to them. Sure there’s no Saddam but he was ready to fall of his own incompetence anyway. Imagine that what is happening now to them is happening to you in your home in Florida. Forget everything that came before and only think of the moment, the reality of their life. What would you really feel about the occupiers? When a daughter or son of yours is destroyed in front of you by a bomb or bullet, who would you blame?

I suggest you see the Tom Cruise film, The Last Samurai again. We watched it tonight for the first time. It’s a beautiful film that illustrates our horrible misunderstanding of what is moral and right in the past and it is an easy leap to relate it to what we’re doing now.

I apologize for the length of this but you got me in a pensive mood, besides, that’s why I have this blog, anyway. It’s like a receptacle for my thoughts with the perception of an audience. Let’s keep the dialogue going.

I wish much peace and love to you and you wonderful family.

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