It's Not a Liberal vs Conservative Thing

We were lied to by the highest officials in the government who knew what they were saying was false. This isn’t about Democrats and Republicans it’s about a group of individuals whose secrecy, abuse of power and self interests as apposed to national interests succeeded in dragging us into a quagmire and have caused the death and suffering for hundreds of thousands, if not millions of humans. The scale of the crime is almost beyond imagination. The only thing to do at this point is to get out of that quagmire as quickly as possible so as to limit the loss of our national treasure and the lives of our soldiers and to bring to account those who have brought us to this point. Everyone was fooled, except a few. See this video.
and then this one:

The mainstream media continues to fail to ask the obvious questions and many politicians have gotten away with mediocre responses to major issues that can only be resolved with decisive action and straight forward and informed rhetoric. Read about how the recently killed journalist David Haberstam ended the Vietnam War by reporting from the front lines not behind a desk interviewing talking heads or within a bubble like the “Green Zone”. Turn off FOX, they’re not journalists, they’re an arm of the misinformation machine there to confuse and mislead their listeners. I listened to them for an hour the other night and was stunned by the shoddy production and content of their programming. That station is a cartoon station of poorly dressed comb-overs and badly coifed female talking heads who are bad actors having trouble reading the cumbersome writing on their teleprompters.

Look for your information from the new bloggers/journalists like Joshua Marshal.

Go back and read what was told to us by the architects of the disaster that is Iraq before the invasion and you’ll see it’s clear that the facts or non-facts were manipulated and twisted. Forget about what the democrats said during the past few years, it’s irrelevant.


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