To Fathers and Sons and to Peace and Love

"Son, you're making the same mistake in Iraq that I made with your mother. I didn't pull out in time..."
What a legacy for the Bush family name? The young son lied to the world about an enemy’s powers to justify an otherwise illegal war. $400 billion spent and counting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Over 3,700 soldiers dead and 20 thousand horribly disfigured with many more psychologically wounded in ways yet to be determined. There probably are now a hundred thousand or more Iraqi innocent dead and millions wounded and traumatized and living in fear without the basic necessities and security for their safety.
The "C" student has forced hundreds of thousands Iraqi from their homes to flee to Syria, Jordan and Iran creating refugees and strains on those countries stability not to mention that all of the refugees now harbor hate for the people of our country.
The kid managed to unleash a terrible bloody war between Shias and Sunnis who, although there was violence simmering for a thousand years, were before the wars relatively subdued and contained in the region and fought between themselves.
Our Presidential Cowboy destroyed the United States standing as a leader in the world and strained our good relations with the European Community, our most important economic and strategic ally along with Britain. Our leaders' decisions continues to help escalate the recruitment and enables the training of probably tens of thousands of potential radical terrorist in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and many other places in the world including the United States.
In a famous speech the ill informed President created the false need for defensive action by two of the world’s most irrational and dangerous regimes by including them in what he called the “Axis of Evil” and then actually invaded one of the three named.
The present President Bush has exposed the reality of our military's weaknesses and our intelligent agencies' inadequacies to our enemies thus loosing any leverage that the previously false perception of our great strength brought us when mediating with potential enemies. Our probably-puppet president showed the world that we are in fact a bumbling, stumbling giant loosing our edge in so many ways and no longer capable of acting as an unbiased and sincere broker of peace.
My hope for the New Year is that the good people of our country who voted for this son-of-a-Bush will realize their mistake and allow our government, based on law and order, to prosecute him and his regime to the fullest extent of the law. We should not speak of impeachment; we should be speaking of imprisonment. This will show the world that the American people are not responsible for the reprehensible and lawless behavior of these leaders. We will demonstrate that we hold accountable those, even of the highest offices, for their illicit actions.
Perhaps someday we can regain our roll as a world leader and helpful neighbor. Conceivably we can spend our national treasure on the education of our children who will someday advance our country back to being the leading harbinger, entrepreneur and inventor of products and services that benefit the lifestyles of all people. Consequently we can use the profits of our endeavors to be generous and responsible benefactors to the needy the world over and no longer bullies and war mongers who create and sell weapons to weak minded regimes who use them in heinous acts of violence.
Happy Holidays!!!