An Insiteful Iranian Letter?

Santa Maria a Monte, Italia

CNN had the latest news, a letter from the Iranian President to the American people. They began reading it and I instantly realized that everything they quoted from
the letter rang true. At that moment I also realized that if we were to leave Iraq Ahmadinejad will be able to claim that it was because of his efforts regardless of what our true reasons to go are. The Muslim radicals have already become the victors, Bush has lost, no, we have lost. We have lost the perception of our power. We have lost the ability to use our military strength as leverage. We have lost control of a strategic part of the world that holds the power to destroy our economic and thus social well being simply by turning off the oil.

It could be said that America is completely vulnerable now, because of this loss. The President who is responsible for our safety, for our national security has managed to breakdown what ever veil of protection that existed till now and exposed us to every radical Muslim to take a shot at us. We are perceived as weak. And in my opinion we always have been weak, only now has it been exposed. When will the media pick this up? Impeachment isn’t an issue, nothing less than criminal charges seem just. President Bush has been criminally negligent and allowed people under him to do things that have endangered the nation.

Inevitably Iran will annex the south of Iraq, the oil and all the Shiites will become Iranian, increasing their power many fold. We are helpless to stop them from building nuclear weapons, let’s hope Israel isn’t.


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