The Dubai Deal? WHAT'S IT ABOUT?

Nobody I know has made the correlation between the war in Iraq and our need for the bases in Dubai. This deal was a payment for our military presence in Dubai, or we could just call it what it is, a bribe. The fact of our being at war in Iraq has deeply compromised our national security is a fact that nobody seems worried about. The idea that we need a military presence in the Middle East and thus be able to control the oil production and subjugate the sovereign governments there to our will is fundamentally flawed.
All we’ve succeeded in doing with our military presence in the Middle East is to feed the propaganda machine of the radical religious in the Muslim world. Our preaching of democracy after failing to prove Iraq as a real threat to us has exposed the Bush regime’s obvious hypocrisy. We’ve created a place for training and indoctrinating terrorists, endangering everyone in the world as they spread out like a viral epidemic from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Our government has no credibility any place in the world except Russia. We pay for this when we feign not to notice as the Russian regime quietly morphs into a dictatorship. “Freedom loving peoples everywhere…” said our President Bush. Hypocritical! Deviant! Secretive and paranoid! These were descriptions of the Nixon administration. Sound familiar?
There is some humor here. I can only imagine how the Dubai Princes can’t understand why, even after the President of the United States told his people that the deal will go through no matter what, no one seemed to listen. The deal might not happen. In Dubai, the Emir doesn’t have to tell his constituents anything. The Emirs don’t need to justify their decisions to anyone especially not the decisions that affect everyone’s lives in their principality. Bush’s crowd must be so jealous of this. Like our President, the Princes of the Middle East believe they have a mandate sent to them by god to rule and decide for their “people”.
The justification to kill civilians and have our soldiers get killed to spread democracy and freedom is a lie. It’s not about women’s rights and eliminating brutal tyrants to achieve peace. ITS ALL ABOUT THE OIL! Eliminate our dependency on it and freeze these countries out of world commerce and they’ll learn to love living in tents again and we can leave them alone and FREE! We have created enough grief and violence from our trying to influence circumstances in other countries, with both money and arms. This policy of covert intervention fails and places us in danger.
By the way, Bush wasn’t the first President to call our need for oil an addiction. President Carter communicated the dangers of our dependence a few years after the oil crisis of 1973. How quick we forgot the lines at the gas stations and the danger to our national security that our dependency on oil had created. Imagine if within each Christian parish the members each consumed 10% less gasoline for one week. Do it for a month and include all of the synagogues, Unitarian, Mormon, Protestant and Baptist ministries all over the US and we can lower our foreign deficit enormously. The air will be cleaner we can all feel like we have control over our futures.
Sell your SUV or sedan for an alternatively fueled station wagon or sports car. Motorcycles are dangerous but very efficient. A bicycle is the perfect means of transportation after walking. Everyone should live close enough to their place of work so they could bike there. Just imagine.
That’s my bike chained to the pole in font of our store! We don’t own a car.