I Don't Hate the Government
I hate (probably too harsh a word) the people in the government who want to tell me what to do and when to do it.
I hate the people who pass value judgments on what I like to do in my life.
I hate the people who think that they’re morals are higher then mine and that justifies them to arrest me or otherwise take away my freedoms.
Credibility is hard won and easily lost and is essential to a successful government (and marriage). So often in the past the government has lost their credibility by lieing, generalizing or persecuting people. Guys with bad comb-overs look with disgust at people having fun, dancing, acting wild and immedietly think that whatever they're doing must be bad and must be stopped.
That's my 2 common cents
I hate the people who pass value judgments on what I like to do in my life.
I hate the people who think that they’re morals are higher then mine and that justifies them to arrest me or otherwise take away my freedoms.
I hate the self righteous, religious zealots in positions of power who think they know better then me and don’t need to tell me the truth and believe that their means will justify the end.
Credibility is hard won and easily lost and is essential to a successful government (and marriage). So often in the past the government has lost their credibility by lieing, generalizing or persecuting people. Guys with bad comb-overs look with disgust at people having fun, dancing, acting wild and immedietly think that whatever they're doing must be bad and must be stopped.
That's my 2 common cents