"Woe to the people that cannot limit the sphere of action of the state!"

"Woe to the people that cannot limit the sphere of action of the state!" French economist Frederic Bastiat (February 1848)

We choose how much we want from our government. Less is probably better but if we want to be taken care of in certain, specific areas, which we do, we need to structure the government service in a good and efficient way. Who want to eliminate social security, Medicare, Medicaid, the military, the judicial system, FDA, CIA, FBI the list is huge and these are services we've excepted and expect to work. Why demonize the government? It doesn't make sense unless it's a ploy to frighten people and divide the debate in a false, black & white, simplistic and unrealistic fashion. Why do the Republicans, since Reagan, label the democrats as pro-government and why do they insist that's a bad thing? THEY ARE IN THE GOVERNMENT!

Good government is made by the people, bad government is made by the politicians, they're priority is to keep their job, they'll say anything to keep it. It's up to the citizens to demand a transparent and logical means of determining for themselves the truth.


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