Letter to JoAnn
Please don’t watch FOX, not ever, not for any reason, they have people that blatantly lie and fabricate information passing it off as facts. They stretch facts to the point of becoming inflammatory, divisive and generally inflated beyond truth. Cars.gov is a fictitious web site, created by some idiot trying to subvert our government with terrorist tactics of passing misinformation off as a government information the same way FOX try’s passing off fake news as real news to an unsuspecting and generally misinformed public who amplify and spread these falsities unknowingly misinforming others. Just the presumption that the government would do what Idiot Beck is purporting they did on that video is absurd and a ridiculous premise. These guys don’t want to add to the discussions we all need to participate in they want to squash the discussion. This is a form of insidious, unpatriotic terrorism that has been crippling our government since 1994 when the Republicans gained power in the congress and eventually in the Presidency with the illegal election of the worst President of our history, George W. Bush.
The damage caused to our country over the past fifteen years must be healed now. Most of the damage was caused by a rich, self-righteous and un-empathetic few who function with the self deluding belief that they know better than everyone else and needn’t be questioned about their actions and motifs. Such hubris caused the downfall of many great civilizations and could still bring us down, too.
The talking heads over at the FOX studios with thier bad makeup, comb-overs and dyed hair should be warning enough that they’re more circus barkers than professional news reporters. The insencerity as well as the lack of facts spewing forth in abundance is further proof of how they would excel in the used car business as salespeople who can “move product” whether it’s crap or credible, to them its all the same. Their commentary is subversive and great fodder for the comics, satirists and Jon Stewarts of the world. Be thankful for that from FOX (sort of) NEWS but nothing else.