An E-mail to
Dear (of MekoVintageJewelry on ebay),
Unfortunately you don’t have a full grasp on the President’s attempt to save us from the insurance companies death grip on the American public. You’re also missing some valuable information on the many issues including the selfish conflicts of interest some doctors are involved in that are adding to all of our medical and insurance expenses (The Cost Conundrum also read THE POLITICAL SCENE: HEALTH-CARE REFORM) Our President’s opposing political party is after one thing, his total failure. This isn’t a goal that will help Americans strengthen our economy it is a goal that will help damage us further than their efforts and misguided theories have already damaged us during their political rule since 1994.
There are media outlets owned and compromised by politically motivated groups who propagate misinformation, lies and inflammatory rhetoric that divides us and creates an atmosphere devoid of open discussion and reasonable progress between differing opinions. Naturally these media companies are also after profits so the more entertaining and sensationalist stories lead regardless of their lack of facts and unbiased journalism. These radical elements are well funded and want to over throw democratically elected officials who speak in factual and logical terms, sincerely attempting to lift us out of the horrible stupor the previous administration has placed us in. Some of the rhetoric that comes from these media outlets, right-wing radio talk shows and TV talking heads verges on incitement to violence and disruption that could push some nut to justify his deadly, violent actions. The nuts who shoot abortion doctors believe they actually have god on their side in the murder of adult humans. They somehow miss the hypocrisy of their beliefs about human life being sacred when shooting a doctor dead with a hand gun, rifle or bomb. Hopefully people will become skeptical and will enlarge their information research to alternative and professional journalistic outlets so they can balance their knowledge and come to a more informed opinion of what’s best for us not what’s best for a particular political party or large business.
Finally we have a government that is talking to us as if we’re adults, a group of officials willing to make their decision processes available to the public, political realists and experts who want all Americans to benefit not just the few. Question everything you hear, come to your own conclusions and be suspect of emotional, personal attacks against the elected officials we have, these attacks are against all of us and will guarantee our downfall to an indebted, unproductive nation who unreasonably yearns for a past that never existed only because they’ve been told that it was a better time. You cannot shape the future unless you see the present clearly. Open your eyes and mind and don’t believe that if it’s on television it must be true.
Please don’t send me any e-mail comments on your political views.
Good luck,