New Jobs, New Roads, New Schools

This is my reply to those who believe that the stimulus proposed is not necessary. (Where Stimulus Is Not Necessary)

My hope is that the jobs that will be created short term will be those that will re-build and construct our basic infrastructure; roads, bridges, pipelines, broadband, etc..  The tax money spent for those government salaries will have a tangible results that our economy will benefit from for years.  By increasing our productivity as a nation, lowering business’ expenses and helping us to develop the new technologies that will require an educated work force to build may sustain our future growth.  We have to revamp our entire education system.  The standardized testing is a travesty and wastes enormous amounts of the teachers time and worse, students aren’t learning to think creatively, science and math are no longer priorities and the arts have been close to eliminated.

I believe that a lot of the rhetoric about government job programs at the moment from Obama is to sooth the world's perception of our economy and shows them that someone is in control and the crisis will be mitigated.  Perception is so important in the financial world that it’s adjustment can be the cheapest way to help the economies of the world bounce back.


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