Is a Terrorist Attack Imminent?

The chances of another terrorist attack on US soil have remained the same as when Bush was president, in spite of what you hear, I beleive it wasn’t anything that Bush did that stopped an attack up until now.  Anyone who knows anything about terrorism never believed that the terrorists were frightened of Bush and his bull shit cowboy talk, that is a ridiculous and dangerous assumption.  Determined terrorists can’t be easily stopped, just ask the Israelis.  It is a majority opinion among the military leaders that the Bush war on terrorism has helped strengthen and disseminate the terrorists throughout the world.  This is fact, not guesses nor assumptions.  There was never an attack stopped by Bush or we would have heard about it at full volume.  

New York city’s anti terrorist efforts have helped keep us safe by making this city a very hard target.  Bloomberg and Raymond Kelly have kept us relatively safe and both admit that there is never a 100% degree of security.  A terrorist can always get through our best defenses. 

The idea that only warfare will bring peace hasn’t been proven through history.  In fact, the result of war has almost always been more war due to the repercussions of the inevitable pursuit of revenge by the violence perpetrated against both sides.  It’s a never ending cycle enriching the arms dealers and killing innocent humans.

The Arabs will stop their violence either when they’re all dead (an end we can’t be the perpetrators of) or when they’re out of money and/or arms.  If there isn’t an attempt to curb and control weapons manufacturing and international sales then we’ll always be victim to accelerating violence and a growing cache of ever more deadly weapons available to anyone with the cash.  When the world's extremists don’t have any more money to buy the increasingly scarce and expensive weapons and can’t get money from the Saudis, Syrians or Iranians because they don’t have any money to give them, then the violence will end.  This all depends on our ability to stop buying their oil, thus drying up their money.  This isn’t going to happen fast but if we don’t start we’ll never succeed. 

Let them throw rocks at each other.

Go buy a bike!


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