Of Couse it's Hillary and Obama on the Ticket!

I was surprised when the Kennedy's endorsed Obama. Then I thought, well, possibly there is a larger machine in motion. Ultimately, Democrats want a strong party and a sweeping victory over the Republicans. With the endorsement, the Kennedy's, together with the Clinton's knowledge and consent, maintained Obama's momentum. Everyone of importance in the party know that Hillary is the better choice and will be the canidate for hte presidency. With Obama they see him drawing to politics a demographic that Hillary can't get and they want that attraction to grow in strength. It seems to me that the Democrats are positioning Hillary and Obama as the eventual President, Hillary and VP, Obama.

Done, I've written it down, it's out of my system and from now on I can stop yelling at the television and boring my wife to sleep every night with my political assessments. My wife thinks I'm giving the Democrats too much credit, they're not that smart. we'll see.


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