A Few Comments

call me unpatriotic but me the American flag is just a piece of cloth. An symbol used by hyper nationalists looking to justify their actions that in the light of day would be exposed as the mistakes that they are. I think who ever wants to prosecute the flag burners should stop burning fossil fuels and vote against the war in Iraq instead of giving meaning to an inanimate object.

Criticism, creativity and discourse without personal political agendas will help create unity not the hubris of self righteous patriotism.

The use of Hitler and the dangers of appeasement are not applicable to today’s situation and is a pathetic attempt to demonize/silence critics of a secretive and failed agenda. A democratic and supposed “free society” should welcome alternative points of view or solutions. It’s unpatriotic and un-American to attempt to silence by name calling and personal attacks those who oppose you, especially when your actions have killed so many and cost so much. $300 BILLION dollars, I thought the Iraqi oil would repay us for the war and the reconstruction of Iraq; it was our Jewish friend Paul Wolfowitz, the present capo at the World Bank, that’s a scary thought.

Our military has been shown as unable to fight the terrorists, there is no winning a guerilla war with a cold war military. We’ve lost any leverage we had before Iraq; we’re no longer able to use the threat of military consequences to stop a criminal regime. When the bully has a glass jaw even the smallest in the class will take a jab at him. And Bush says that if we get out of Iraq the terrorists will follow. Think about that for a moment and you’ll quickly realize that they’re here already, have been here and we’ve done little to protect ourselves from them.

Did you see the photos of the Iranian Prez and the Iraqi prez kissing and hugging? The Shiites were contained when Saddam was there, now they’re more united than ever and their strength multiplied many fold. We gave this to them, we empowered our enemies and Israel’s enemies.Calling this a “War on Terrorism” makes those who fight against us warriors. They are criminals and we should be pursuing them as any detective would, they’re criminals, they have no country and don’t deserve to have a “war”. As any good detective knows, the evidence has to be carefully gathered to enhance the prosecutor’s case against the criminal. When information is gathered with the use of torture it's not admisable in a court of law.All that has occurred since the radical right took over the government is catching up with them.

Many Republicans are distancing themselves from the President and his men. I think the next elections will be a bloodbath and it won’t be Democrats’ blood flowing.

Bill O’ Reilly’s idiot article exposes the right’s fear of Howard Dean. Dean is ruthless, fearless and clear. He speaks with authority, knowledge and strength and won’t mince words; he isn’t running for office and will hopefully be the point man for the Democratic Party. The negative ads that will be produced by Carl Rove will backfire; the country is beginning to see through the fog of war that Cheney and Rumsfeld have blown in everyone’s face. I won’t be surprise if at some point in the future we’ll see Bush et al being prosecuted.

Read this article, it captures the situation as seen by some very smart people: http://www.newyorker.com/online/content/articles/060911on_onlineonly02

If Bush had a good idea I would not only be amazed but I would be able to support it. Unfortunately his lack of intuition and common sense has not strengthened his ability to grasp complex issues and situations, that is if you believe that he actually is the one pulling the strings, I don’t.



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