Matthias Response
Matthias Dapfner, Chief Executive of the huge German publisher Axel Springer AG, has written a blistering attack in DIE WELT, Germany's largest daily paper, against the timid reaction of Europe in the face of the Islamic threat.
I agree with some of what is said in the article. Europe is weak and appeasement hasn’t worked and the liberals have exposed Europe to the Muslim threat that is choking them.
I also believe that Reagan was the unwitting beneficiary of a change in the Soviet Union that would have happened regardless of who was in the White House. In fact Reagan almost blew it and postponed the Soviet fall when he went against his advisers’ advice and walked out of the meetings in Iceland without an agreement. In spite of that the Soviet Union fell from its own failures not Reagan’s courage and foresight.
Well, you know how I feel about Bush but the article skips over the details of what occurred prior to our invading Iraq and now assumes that our motives were moral when they were always economical, we wanted control of the oil and a military presence in the area to be able to control the rest of the oil in the region. There was no other motivation that is true, face it, we can not and should not assume the self-righteous position of being the keepers of the moral high ground. It’s a hypocritical position that exposes us to legitimate criticism from our enemies and helps them to recruit suicide bombers and fanatical Islamists to fight against us. The fact is and the elections in Palestine have proved it, Democracy is not a guarantee of freedom or peace in the region. So why is Bush continuing to use it as the saving grace for the area? Because he’s a hypocrite, fool and mouth piece for a smoke screen to justify a failed war. There is no courage in his words and actions.
Israel has courage; Bush’s camp is filled with opportunists and liars who have failed to use common sense and failed to understand basic human nature when structuring their Middle East strategy. The radical Arabs now see us as a toothless tiger without the stamina or strength to fight them, thus emboldening them to rear their heads against Israel. They’ve made a mistake, not realizing the resolve of the Israelis and the sheer strength of their military or their willingness to use it regardless of outside criticism. We’re seen as bungling giants mired in Afghanistan and Iraq, unable to even help ourselves save the victims of the Katrina storm. And they are right; forget the empty nationalist slogans that we are the greatest nation in the world. We are great but not infallible and our current leaders are fools who have lead us down a dangerous and erroneous path. History will show their mistakes for what they are.
I’m always suspicious when someone uses the moral card as a brush to cover various complicated issues with a single stroke. Things are not as black and white as the far right or far left make things out to be. Bush’s policies do risk our future by undermining the strength of the dollar, by increasing a crushing foreign debt that is a massive burden to the US economy but his actions fighting the scourge that is radical Islam is not the cause of these things and their solutions are hampered by his actions. He’s not strong, simply inadequate and short sighted and an empty mouth piece for other people’s agendas. Think, for a moment, who are enriched by the $80 a barrel oil?
Europe’s problems are not like our own. We can’t protect them nor should want to from their own follies. China and Saudi Arabia are buying up our country and the terrorists and radical right wing are kidnapping our life style. This week we saw Bush veto the stem cell bill! His priorities are skewed. I don’t need God to bless America; I want Americans to take back their minds and initiate change in their lives and not wait for someone else to do it for them. Europe has been crippled by their ancient traditions and social welfare systems we are crippled by our federal government’s propaganda and defense spending and our bad public education that will prove to have been the priority of this moment not cowboy foreign policy and bogus nationalism.
I agree with some of what is said in the article. Europe is weak and appeasement hasn’t worked and the liberals have exposed Europe to the Muslim threat that is choking them.
I also believe that Reagan was the unwitting beneficiary of a change in the Soviet Union that would have happened regardless of who was in the White House. In fact Reagan almost blew it and postponed the Soviet fall when he went against his advisers’ advice and walked out of the meetings in Iceland without an agreement. In spite of that the Soviet Union fell from its own failures not Reagan’s courage and foresight.
Well, you know how I feel about Bush but the article skips over the details of what occurred prior to our invading Iraq and now assumes that our motives were moral when they were always economical, we wanted control of the oil and a military presence in the area to be able to control the rest of the oil in the region. There was no other motivation that is true, face it, we can not and should not assume the self-righteous position of being the keepers of the moral high ground. It’s a hypocritical position that exposes us to legitimate criticism from our enemies and helps them to recruit suicide bombers and fanatical Islamists to fight against us. The fact is and the elections in Palestine have proved it, Democracy is not a guarantee of freedom or peace in the region. So why is Bush continuing to use it as the saving grace for the area? Because he’s a hypocrite, fool and mouth piece for a smoke screen to justify a failed war. There is no courage in his words and actions.
Israel has courage; Bush’s camp is filled with opportunists and liars who have failed to use common sense and failed to understand basic human nature when structuring their Middle East strategy. The radical Arabs now see us as a toothless tiger without the stamina or strength to fight them, thus emboldening them to rear their heads against Israel. They’ve made a mistake, not realizing the resolve of the Israelis and the sheer strength of their military or their willingness to use it regardless of outside criticism. We’re seen as bungling giants mired in Afghanistan and Iraq, unable to even help ourselves save the victims of the Katrina storm. And they are right; forget the empty nationalist slogans that we are the greatest nation in the world. We are great but not infallible and our current leaders are fools who have lead us down a dangerous and erroneous path. History will show their mistakes for what they are.
I’m always suspicious when someone uses the moral card as a brush to cover various complicated issues with a single stroke. Things are not as black and white as the far right or far left make things out to be. Bush’s policies do risk our future by undermining the strength of the dollar, by increasing a crushing foreign debt that is a massive burden to the US economy but his actions fighting the scourge that is radical Islam is not the cause of these things and their solutions are hampered by his actions. He’s not strong, simply inadequate and short sighted and an empty mouth piece for other people’s agendas. Think, for a moment, who are enriched by the $80 a barrel oil?
Europe’s problems are not like our own. We can’t protect them nor should want to from their own follies. China and Saudi Arabia are buying up our country and the terrorists and radical right wing are kidnapping our life style. This week we saw Bush veto the stem cell bill! His priorities are skewed. I don’t need God to bless America; I want Americans to take back their minds and initiate change in their lives and not wait for someone else to do it for them. Europe has been crippled by their ancient traditions and social welfare systems we are crippled by our federal government’s propaganda and defense spending and our bad public education that will prove to have been the priority of this moment not cowboy foreign policy and bogus nationalism.