Possible Dry Run for Terror?

Below are a couple of web sites about a story that broke a couple of weeks ago with the publishing of an article penned by Annie Jacobsen. Evidently, there are opposing views on this (read the Herald Tribune article). Ms. Jacobsen’s article described her impressions of a flight she took from Detroit to LA. I don’t know what to make of it. Are we showing the terrorists that we’re far from fierce when faced with questionable or uncomfortable circumstances? The description of what happened would lead me to believe that the terrorists are practicing how far they can get and what are the odds of success. Terrorists are willing to die for what they believe in, embarrassment, timidity, or the slightest thought about what those they will possibly die with think are not a concern for them. That kind of focus is difficult to fight.

Perhaps if we citizens become more problematic and assertive the dry runs will discourage them from that means of terrorism.

Read the following articles and make up your own mind.

Click the underlined link.






David said…
Here is an enlightening and opposing view of the flight to LA. My reaction was a bit over done and hysterics are the last thing we need in tense times.


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